
Halaqoh II Focuses on Fundamental Issues

Kam, 6 Juli 2006 | 07:43 WIB

Jakarta, NU Online
Following the coming Ulemas National Conference (Munas) and Major Conference (Konbes) on 27-30 July 2006. the second Halaqoh will reportedly be conducted in PBNU Building, Jakarta on Saturday and Sunday (8-9 July). It will focus on discussing religious fundamental issues (bahtsul masa’il diniyyah maudluiyyah) related to decision making within NU organization.

The forum will discuss 5 important things, such as NU frame of thinking (fikrah nahdliyyah), globalization, universalism, human rights in light of NU perspective, changing four school of thoughts of Islamic jurisprudence (talfiq), implementation on taking Islamic law, and referred books (kutub al-mu’tabaroh).


Vice General Chairman of PBNU Supreme Council KH Tolchah Hasan and Chairman Supreme Council KH Ma’ruf Amin will serve as guides to talk about NU frame of thinking. Among others like HM Fajrul Falakh, Qodri Azizi, KH Aziz Masyhuri, and KH M Masyhuri Naim will focus on issues such as globalization, universalism, human rights, and so on.

“The purpose is to seek worth suggestions to the coming national conference. The first halaqoh held in Malam several weeks ago, was discussing nationhood issues especially NU attitude to the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), while we are now discussing about the coming national conference,” said chief organizing committee of Munas and Konbes KH Ma’ruf Amin. (nam)