
Former NU leader, KH Idham Chalid passes away

Ahad, 11 Juli 2010 | 03:25 WIB

Jakarta, NU Online
Former general chairman of the Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) and chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly/House of Representatives (MPR/DPR) KH. Idham Chalid passed away at the age of 88 at his home in the Darrul Maarif educational complex in Cipete, South Jakarta, Sunday at 8 am after an illness of 10 years.

Saiful Hadi, son of the former Deputy Prime Minister during the Soekarno era, said the remains of his father is laid in state at the house of mourning in Cipete, and will be buried on Monday at the family's Darul Quran Islamic Boarding School in Cisarua, West Java.
"I am asking for your prayers and forgiveness on my father`s death," said Saiful, editorial chief of ANTARA News Agency.

Dr.Idham Chalid was survived by a wife, children and grand children. He was born in Setui, South Kalimantan Selatan, on August 27, 1922.

Idham Chalid was a religious and national leader, a great Islamic organizer of Nahdlatul Ulama, as well as a declarer of the United Development Party (PPP). (dar)