
NU not to Shift to the Left of Right

Sab, 8 Juli 2006 | 06:33 WIB

Jakarta, NU Online
As the religious organization and the country’s largest Muslim organization, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) has never shifted to the left of right. It has stood on the principle of NU frame of thinking.

The statement above was delivered by Chairman of PBNU Supreme Council (Syuriah) KH Ma’ruf Amin while opening the Halaqoh II Pre Ulemas National and Major Conference (Munas/Konbes) of PBNU in Jakarta, Saturday (8/7). Ma’ruf delivered the speech as head of organizing committee Munas and Konbes on coming 27-30 July 2006.


Ma’ruf said, the shift has ever been and occurred in 1990s while some of NU followers had responded conservatively to any era’s developments. At that time, according to Ma’ruf, kiais had focused on yellow books thought in pesantren and had had no courage to act as the yellow books had not covered both clearly and thoroughly the realities.  


“But that was in end as Lampung’s NU Munas and Konbes in 1992, the kiais approved that there would be such methodology and not based solely on text. There was such dynamics here. This effort we called as tajdidu fikrah an-nahdliyyah (renewing the frame of thinking of NU),”Ma’ruf said.  

Present at the occasion, Chairman of Supreme Council of PBNU KH Aziz Mashuri, and KH Maghfur Utsman, General Chairman of Central Java’s PWNU Supreme Council KH Masruri Abdul Mughni, Banten’s Supreme Council KH Ahmad Satori, regional representatives, and so forth. (nam)