
PBNU urged to strengthen Nahdliyin professional basis

Ahad, 7 Oktober 2007 | 06:33 WIB

Bogor, NU Online
The Central Board of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) having so far paid no more attention to educated middle class is urged to again strengthen professional circles within the Nahdliyin (NU followers) community.

"Potentials possessed by NU are huge enough. But attention to manage the potentials is still weak so in the case of human resources for instance, we have still left behind by others," said the IPB's intellectual Prof Dr Cecep Kusmana at a discussion and gathering for breaking fast between the PBNU and academics of Bandung Technology Institute (ITB) at the Taman Palem Restaurant, Pajajaran, Bogor, Saturday.<>

The forum took up issues on how to make the Nahdliyin based organization powerful and modern in playing its roles as the biggest traditional Muslim organization of the country.

Present at the occasion were KH Masdar Farid Mas'udi (PBNU Chairman), Ir Sadar Subagyo (PBNU) and M Amin (former Bulog official), and numbers of IPB academics such as Prof Dr Ir H Khairil Anwar Notodiputro MS (Dean of IPB Post-Graduate Scool), Prof Dr Iding M Padlinurjaji, Prof Dr Ir Djumali Mangunwidjadja, Dr Ir Aji Hermawan MM, Ir Ifan Haryanto M.Sc, and Ahmad Fahir (IPB young intellectual).

The forum admitted that there were many NU intellectuals, specialists, and experts in universities. Due to the lack of attention from the PBNU, they have in turn given no more attention to the development of NU.

While Prof Djumali expressed his deep concern over the weaknesses of the PBNU in dealing with the empowerment of the Nahdliyin potentials in general campuses.

He said that there were again and again many Nahdliyin experts in any disciplines that should be taken into account to give more positive impacts to their NU organization. (kmnu-ipb)